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After many top-four finishes, the women's tennis team won the 1996 National Junior College Atheletic Association Championship
After serving as provost of South Campus for three years, Dr. E. Ann McGee was named vice president
AGRRA protocols and coral reef health in the Caribbean
Air Land Due BJC
All For Sake Of Teaching
Although many of high challenges seem dangerous, the risk is actually minimal
Alumni Organized At Junior College
Amenities were few because of the space crunch
American Society of Women Accountants
Among the events celebrating the 30th anniversary of the college in 1990 was a picnic
An Amiga Goes To College
An English girl in Tokyo
An expert on educational policy, Dr. Holcombe is sought after for advice
Another top administrator was Dr. Willis Holcombe, who served as an assistant to Dr. Adams
Architect William G. Crawford, who designed many of the buildings on Central Campus
Arden Dicky, assistant vice president for circulation and call centers for Knight-Ridder Newspapers, is another recipient of a Distinguished Alumni Award
Artists Exhibit At Junior College
Ashmore Applies For College Job
Ashmore Asks Curriculum Study At Broward Jr. College
