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The Sound of Student Success: Incorporating Podcasts into the Classroom. Proposal.
The Sound of Student Success: Incorporating Podcasts into the Classroom. Results.
Town and Gown Musical Extravaganza
George Gore Art Exhibit
From the planting of the first tree on Central Campus
Handleman Hall is home to a variety of classes
This Norfolk Island pine on Central Campus toppled
The Criminal Justice Institute has grown to become a complete facility for training
The Central Campus Aquatic Complex
Hurricane Andrew's damage to Central Campus was largely confined to signs and trees
In October 1979, the 1,200-set performing arts center was dedicated
The Seahorses' third baseman waits for the throw
The Ralph R. Bailey Concert Hall has grown to become the focal point
Robert E. Ferris Center
Chester Handleman Hall
John H. Payne Hall
George E. Mayer Gymnasium
Gene A. Whiddon Hall
Joe B. Rushing Hall
A Librarian's Dream Comes True for Him
