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FAU Pres. Anthony Catanese (left), BCC Central Campus Provost Glen Rose, and BCC Pres. Willis Holcombe are all smiles
Dr. Adams and Dean Harry Smith
A system of junior colleges serving African-American students was established by the state in 1949
Dr. Holcombe expanded the college's participation in international education
Dr. Joe Rushing returned to BCC as the commencement speaker
Evelyn Hardy, born in poverty in rural Alabama, used BCC as a stepping stone to higher education
Fred Flinstone Holcombe and Barney Rubble George Young laughed it up with 30-year honorees
Dr. Adams and District Board of Trustees Chairman Judson A. Samuels are pictured
Dr. Adams joins with members of F-Troop
Dr. Tom Ryan, a history professor
Gov. Reubin Askew, with Dr. Adams at his left, talks with the media
Dr. Holcombe and Dr. Catanese, along with local and state dignitaries, pitch the ceremonial shovels of dirt
Carlton Moore, a Fort Lauderdale city commissioner, is also among BCC's Distinguished Award winners
Central Campus Provost Dr. Patricia Caldwell, Trustees Cheryl Krause and Georgette Sosa Douglass, and Dr. Holcombe cut the ribbon
At the conclusion of Campaign 2000, donors were presented with specially created crystal doorknobs
Another top administrator was Dr. Willis Holcombe, who served as an assistant to Dr. Adams
An expert on educational policy, Dr. Holcombe is sought after for advice
The men's golf team won the first of two
Trustees, Dr. Holcombe, Provost Dr. Mont Smith, former provost Dr. Carl Crawford, and state senator Howard Forman join
Two-term Maryland governor Parris Glendening was named one the AACC's Outstanding Alumni Award
