Current Search: Aspen Institute Faculty Innovation Grant Poster Collection
As part of the recognition as an Aspen Prize Finalist with Distinction in 2017, Broward College was given a $100,000 award. That was used to fund Aspen Institute Faculty Innovation Grants, competitively awarded to Broward College faculty for projects in support of:
Twenty-four grant proposals were selected. Participants were required to create academic posters describing the grant proposal and grant results. The Aspen Institute Faculty Innovation Grant Poster Collection contains those posters.
The grant proposal posters were first displayed during the Professional Development Day - Leading Educational Achievement through Development Conference (PDD-LEAD) held at Broward College Central Campus on February 23, 2018. The grant results posters were first displayed at the Broward College 2018-2019 Welcome Back event held at Broward College North Campus on August 16, 2018.
Current Search: Aspen Institute Faculty Innovation Grant Poster Collection